matt hardy

matt at roundtable dot ai
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I'm currently working on Roundtable (ycs23) with Mayank Agrawal. Roundtable is an open-source platform for gathering human data online, e.g. surveys, data annotation, experiments, etc.

Previously, I was a PhD student in Tom Griffiths' Computational Cognitive Science Lab at Princeton. My research focused on using machine learning and behavioral experiments to improve network design, choice architectures, and decision-making more generally.

During grad school, I spent a summer as an intern at Microsoft Research where I worked with Dan Goldstein and Jake Hofman to develop tools for out-of-sample forecasting. I also spent some time building electric scatter, a website devoted to interactive data visualizations.

Before my PhD, I majored in statistics and economics (and minored in math) at the University of Toronto, and spent two summers working in econometrics with Whitney Newey and Jerry Hausman. I also interned in data science at Via, and spent my earlier years working as a busser, paperboy, lifeguard, farmhand, and assembly line worker.

selected papers

Embers of Autoregression: Understanding Large Language Models Through the Problem They are Trained to Solve
Tom McCoy, Shunyu Yao, Dan Friedman, Matt Hardy, and Tom Griffiths (preprint).

AI-generated visuals of car-free American cities help increase support for sustainable transport policies
Rachit Dubey, Matt Hardy, Tom Griffiths, and Rahul Bhui (2024). Nature Sustainability.

Resampling reduces bias amplification in experimental social networks
Matt Hardy, Bill Thompson, P.M. Krafft, and Tom Griffiths (2023). Nature Human Behaviour.

Optimal nudging for cognitively bounded agents: A framework for modeling, predicting, and controlling the effects of choice architectures
Fred Callaway, Matt Hardy, and Tom Griffiths (2023). Psychological Review.

How do humans overcome individual computational limitations by working together?
Natalia VĂ©lez, Brian Christian, Matt Hardy, Bill Thompson, and Tom Griffiths (2023). Cognitive Science.

Overcoming individual limitations through distributed computation: Rational information accumulation in multi-generational populations
Matt Hardy, P.M. Krafft, Bill Thompson, and Tom Griffiths (2022). Topics in Cognitive Science.